
Being Well Is Being Passionate And Productive


Technologies Today Blog

Where we write about Technologies: iOS, Windows, Hardware, Software, Gadgets, Electronic Security Devices...

A8L D3

Audi Blog

Where we write about how we fixed, improved, maintained our Audis and other Cars

Silicon Valley Living

Silicon Valley Living Blog

Where we write about how we build our family and raise our children in costly Silicon Valley


HP307x ICT Blog

Where I write about my Experience of In-Circuit-Test HP307x


Year Of The Dog

"Dogs are determined individuals; always wanting to master a new subject before moving on and always finishing what they start. Dogs value friendships; they’re loyal, honest, trustworthy and reliable and have strong morals and ethics..."


Year Of The Monkey

"Monkey possesses such character traits as curiosity, mischievousness, and cleverness. Monkeys are usually quite intelligent, playful... Monkeys are the masters of practical jokes..."

About Me, iDog


Why Dog-n-Monkey?

I created this blog for my children and to share my experience with people in every day life. I like to fix and improve things while being frugal. I love my family and constantly trying to build a happy family....
