A4 B6 V6 3.0L 30V Coil Packs and Spark Plugs Replacement

2013-03-13 Gas mileage went up from 29MPG to 32.5MPG The car has 95,800 miles and it’s time to give it a tune up. Spark plugs, air cleaner and oil change. After removing the air cleaner, I found out that the last service guy didn’t put back the coil packs rail screws that secure the rails.

Q7 After 4 Years and 9 Months

Panoramic Sunroof Screen 2013-03-07 One more month and it’s 5 years old @34k miles. Everything is still solid. Everything is still original, nothing needs to be replaced yet.                This April, our Q7 will be 5 years old, we just took the car to the Sierra last weekend. At 32,600 miles, it

Dealer Scam 2013

When they say “it’s too good to be true, most of the time it is”, I was in the market for an A8 D3, by looking through Autotrader.com I found a great car for a great price, I was skeptical but still excited, a scam. Average market values for a 07 A8 with low miles