OBDII Scanner

OBDII Scanner Types

How To Use VCDS (Vag-Com) With Mac OS X


These days, many people moved from Windows OS to Mac OS X computers. Audi uses VCDS diagnostic software to diagnose problems and stuff, but VCDS only runs in Windows OS. VMware Fusion 7 will help to run Windows in Virtual machine without logging out and boot into Windows OS. VMware Fusion is painless to install and

How To Install And Activate Ross-Tech VCDS (VAG-COM) OBDII Dongle

VCDS set up

One of the reasons I like Audis is because I can get an OBDII dongle from Ross-Tech to scan and do things with my Audis. The price of the dongle should be built into the cost of getting an Audi IMO. This is how I set mine up, very straight forward.

MMI Dead, Screen Black, A8L D3

My Audi A8L MMI was dead, stuck at open, black screen, doesn’t close, every time I push a device button or reset the MMI, MMI initialize screen would come  on, and went black, while it was on, I could hear the relay clicking in the trunk under the back seat.  VCDS scan would come up