
Audi Q7 model

Open Trunk With Foot On Audi A8L

Since the 2006 A8L and the Q7 have motorized trunk and liftgate, they don’t have the foot sensors to open when our hands are busy carrying something, I want to design a kick – sensor for the A8L. This can be used to open and close the trunk when I have to get something out

Q7 Remote Key Fob Repair

Q7 Key Fobs

If we need to change the battery or the shell of the 2008 Q7 keyfob, this video is very clearly instructed. To sync the key fob remote after battery replacement. 1 – put driver window down. 2 – insert key in door lock. 3 – twist to unlock and hold in position. 4 – with

Close Trunk Lid With Remotes Or Door Button On A8L

2014-06-08 born_slippy found the same wires in the battery compartment so one doesn’t have to open up the trunk trim to do this. Yellow/White Green/White wire from convenient module is the same wire as trigger/green wire at the latch.       convenient module plug Yellow/Green wire from motor plug is the same as the switch