I’m going to modify the cable to use USB host to connect hard drive, iPhone, Android, bluetooth, all in one.

11/29/2015 The cheapest, easiest way to do it is –
1. AMI to Auxiliary cable – works with all 2G & 3G .
2. USB Dongle –
09/18/2015 – I modified my 2008 Q7 – MMI 2G AMI cable and build a black box to play iPod and stream audio from my iPhone and my wife Android phone on the fly without removing any of the players.
You can add USB host by connecting pins 17 & 18 for data and 25 & 28 for USB power
My sister new 2016 Q5 still comes with a 30-pins AMI cable for old iPods and iPhones, amazing. She’s been using and updating her devices so current that she doesn’t have any 30-pin devices any more. She asks me to help her to be able to stream music and navigation from her iPhone 6 to the MMI 3G plus. I found the website with the information and did it. Now, I can make a cable that works with all MMI 2G and MMI 3G, it’s simple, not that hard, just need some soldering skills.
The easiest way is to use a small screw driver to push the 2 big lock tabs on both sides in and up, then just pry the top cover open up.
When the top cover is out, just slide the bottom cover out easily. Split open the metal case from the TOP.
Solder a 1k-1.1k ohm resistor (1/4 watt) across the original resistor 18.7k ohm to have .95-1k ohm across. Pull the iPod wires out. Put some small shrink tubing or cut the wires. Bundle them together and fit them back to the case.

Do you sell the modified cables? I have a 2007 Q7 and I would like to stream music from my android phone via Bluetooth via my google pixel phone. The video you provided with the modified cable for the 2008 Q7 seems like it would work for me. Let me know what you need from me to get a cable like that from you?
email and send me your cable, I’ll do it for you free of charge on my spare time. The Q7 AMI cable is under the armrest. Buy a $10 30pin USB dongle on the Amazon website and send that to me also so I make sure it works before I send back. You pay for the shipping.