Close Trunk Lid With Remotes Or Door Button On A8L

2014-06-08 born_slippy found the same wires in the battery compartment so one doesn’t have to open up the trunk trim to do this. Yellow/White Green/White wire from convenient module is the same wire as trigger/green wire at the latch.       convenient module plug Yellow/Green wire from motor plug is the same as the switch

Basic Voice Commands For MMI 2G BT Phone and Navigation

Someone asked me about voice commands for Bluetooth Phone and Navigation. Although they’re all in the manual, but some owners didn’t have the manuals when they bought their cars used. I do think the voice commands on MMI 2G work quite well, especially on Audi A8L with software version 4610. If you see a mistake

Why Audis

Ask my wife, she’s used to be a Honda Accord owner likes most people who want reliable cars for safety reasons, now she will not drive anything but Audis, after we got married and I got her first 7 year old A6 Avant. She loved the car for the comfort, the safety (which she can