2013 | Ardenwood

Late For School

Today we’re almost late for school, instead of getting inline to drive through the school entrance, we ran across the field to get there faster. The rolling packback is too heavy, daddy had to carry for Audrey to run faster.


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2013 | Brandon | Family Specials

Brandon 7th Birthday

It’s October 6th, Brandon’s birthday was celebrated at home again with some family members, this year Kim had a little “procedure” and had to stay home with bruises and stuff. The Ellis now only 2 came since Nicky and Kelly were away for colleges. Bruce “Willis” with Ethan came as usual. Karen’s family was there […]


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2013 | Family Specials

Disneyland – Vegas Trip 2013

Again, this year we went to Disneyland in September – This time we tried the Adventure Land – The kids were exhausted and getting bored with the rides in the other park. We think we will stop going to Disneyland for a few years –  This year, we stopped by Vegas on the way home, […]


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Brandon’s Teeth

When kids get older, their teeth start to fall just like old people. Brandon does look cute with missing front teeth.                  


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