Upgrade Lion 10.7.4 To Mountain Lion 10.8 On i5 2500k P8Z68-V

So, with the new Mountain Lion 10.8 came out, if you have all the files and apps loaded on a partition and you don’t want to reformat and wipe out everything when upgrading from Lion  10.7.x, just install ML over the Lion partition, it will back up everything for you – I recommend to use the same login ID, but not necessary. I tried to upgrade with my Lion 10.7.4 dual boot partition. I used myHack 3.1.2 installer and everything went without a hitch. The only thing is I need to re-install VoodooHDA and Ethernet. The HD3000 0112:8086 has full QE/CI/CL with smbios macbook pro 8,1 same as the Lenovo G770 laptop and PciRoot=1 in the org.chameleon.Boot.plist. The screen capture video below is the Mountain Lion 10.8 Apps after the upgrade (actually new installation over the same partition of Lion). The procedure is the same as if you’re using myHack3.1 to install Lion. I’ll go into details when I have time.Yes I did have to fix the dual boot MBR, make sure you have Windows 7 rescue disk handy just in case you forgot to create a menu in EasyBCD.

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