Merkury Cross BTE41 Bluetooth Earbuds From Marshalls

These days there are tons of tiny Bluetooth Earbuds on the market, we went to Marshalls for the kids stuff and I saw these Merkury Cross Earbuds for $15, I bought them to try out.

The first thing I like is the fit inside the ears, very comfortable. The sound is NOT bad, does have bass dependent upon the songs I play and how I position the earbuds. The pairing is quite easy. The battery does seem to last a few hours, it claims to last 5 hours, haven’t had time to try out the whole 5 hours of music. Yes, you can spend up to $100 for these. I like to lie on my bed, on my pillow and listen to music and the flat wires lay flat.

Merkury Cross BTE41 Bluetooth Earbuds     Merkury Cross BTE41 is charging

Merkury Cross BTE41 Earbuds paired on iPhone     Merkury Cross BTE41 Earbuds fit comfortably

1 Comment

  • You got thoughs headphones for cheap i have the same kind and bought them off the website and they were 40

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