Ivy bridge

Intel 3rd Generation CPUs 33xxu with HD4000 graphics

Create A Chameleon USB Boot Drive To Work With All OS X Installation USB Drives

Alright, many people got problems creating a chameleon USB boot drive for their OS X installation. I’ve tested a simple Chameleon R2588 version USB boot drive to work with OS X: Yosemite, Mavericks and Mountain Lion. I tested the boot with 3 OS Xs and 3 laptops: Sandy Bridge (2nd generation HD3000), Ivy Bridge (3rd

How to Generate SSDT For IvyBridge Yosemite

To get the Yosemite to work perfectly is to get the speed steps and turbo working by generate SSDT for our system. The only program that works is ssdtPRGen.sh written by Piker-Alpha. The newest version at the moment is V15.2. There is a problem that the SSDT got stuck at 800 MHz. I tried different scenarios and