Lion 10.7x

Apple Lion 10.7.x OSX

Lion 10.7.3 Update

Lion 10.7.3 update from 10.7.0 is pretty straight forward. For the Sandy Bridge laptop, all we need is to re-install Network kexts and remove the AppleHDA.kext, reboot the computer then re-install Voodoo 2.7.3 using Multibeast 4.2.1. NO NEED to re-install Multibeast 4.2.1

Create Lion USB Installer With Unibeast

01/31/2018 We should not use any hacked program from  Tonymac86 since installing from vanilla apps is readily available and much easier… Unibeast helps to create a very easy bootable USB install drive for Lion. Make sure the Lion Install App is in the “applications” folder or the Unibeast installation will fail. It should take about