Mac Wanna Be

Install Mac OS X On PC Hardware: PC & Laptops.

How To Make A Perfect MacBook Air Wannabe From A Haswell HD4400 Laptop

09/29/2015 How to fix USB 3.0 ports problems after wake Yosemite 10.10.5. Finally, after having extensive help from Rehabman from, I was able to turn my HP X360 i7-4510u HD4400 Laptop to a near perfect MacBook Air Wannabe running Yosemite 10.10.4 and ready for El Capitan 10.11. I will simplify all the steps from Rehabman

How To Patch AppleHDA.kext For ALC282 Yosemite 10.10.4

I’ve been using VoodooHDA.kext for my HP-X360 i7-4510u, HD4400 Realtek 0x10ec0282, but it doesn’t auto detect when I have to plugin the headphone which is inconvenient sometimes. I found the patched on kext that works well, but I still have to patch the DSDT to get it working. The result is only has 2 ports, input and