Mac Wanna Be

Install Mac OS X On PC Hardware: PC & Laptops.

How To Fix Ethernet en0 Built-in “FALSE” Mavericks 10.9.2

When our Mac OSX doesn’t allow us to access the apps store or iMessage and iCloud don’t work, it’s the Ethernet EN0 is not registered as built-in. There are many tutorials on the internet, but if we’re not savvy with dsdt editing, this is the best way to fix this problem. Tools needed are: Osx86Tools

Replace 9.5mm Hard Drive On HP Envy 4 Ultrabook

I got an HP Envy 4-1117nr with 500GB hard drive, I replaced it with a low power TOSHIBA MQ01ABD100 1TB 9.5mm instead of 7mm as designed. It fit well but it did put some pressure on the left trackpad that causes the left panel click to be harder to press but the left click still