Mac Wanna Be

Install Mac OS X On PC Hardware: PC & Laptops.

Dual Boot Mavericks And Windows 7 Using Clover Boot Loader

Make sure to run chameleon boot loader with NVRAM option to get the SystemId – then put it in the Clover config.plist for the iMessage and FaceTime to work. If not, you will get the “Validation code error”.        Apple just released Mavericks, OSX 10.9 and it’s free for everyone to use. I downloaded the

Create Kext For AR9485 Wifi

Someone was asking about the new Wifi AR9485 from Atheros – Anyhow, I don’t have one to test, but I added the device id to the Atheros kext and hope it works – for both Mountain Lion and Lion. THIS ONE ISN’T SUPPORTED BY MAC OS X.