Sandy Bridge

Intel Second Generation CPU 2xxxM HD3000 Graphics

Mountain Lion 10.8 On i5 2500k GA-H61MS2H

Mountain Lion 10.8 is in the process to be release sometimes soon, we get ready for our i5 2500k GA-H61MS2H system. We installed without any problems at all.

Dual Boot Windows 7 And Lion 10.7.3 On i5 2500k GA-H61MS2H

OK, we’ve built a Sandy Bridge i5 2500k with GA-H61MS2H-Rev 1.3 PC, we’ve installed Lion 10.7.3 on a hard drive or USB hard drive fully functional, now we want to dual boot our existing Windows 7 and Lion 10.7.3 in the same hard drive. There are many ways of dual booting Windows 7 and Mac