Sandy Bridge

Intel Second Generation CPU 2xxxM HD3000 Graphics

Edit AppleIntelSNBGraphicsFB.kext For Lion Sandy Bridge

For those who have Intel HD3000 graphics on desktop or laptops, sometimes we see the screen blacked out for a few seconds and back again, I believe according to bcc9, we need to edit the AppleIntelSNBGraphicsFB.kext in the Extensions folder. It’s was hard to follow the instructions since I don’t know much about codes, but

Lion 10.7.4 Update On Lenovo G770 i5 Sandy Bridge Laptop

And always use portable drive to install before internal hard drive. For Realtek id 0139 card reader isn’t supported, a USB SD card reader is handy. June 07, 2012 I edited the VL kext and I got WPA2-AES, WPA2-TKIP/AES and  WPA-PSK TKIP to work with 10.7.4. Ethernet also works. It’s a little tricky to get