Apple Devices

All Apple devices: iPod, iPhone, iPad, MacBook Air, Macwannabe

Back Up DVD To MP4 Using WinXdvd For Mac

After using Mac OS X for a long time, I’ve been trying many software for Mac, especially software for video. WinXDvd ripper is a good inexpensive software to convert DVDs directly to MP4, ISO file to MP4 or already ripped VIDEO_TS folders.

Update Mavericks 10.9.3 from 10.9.2

So, Mavericks 10.9.3 just came out and I decided to update the OS although 10.9.2 was doing quite well. Things needed for updating without problems are: AppleACPIPlatform.kext, AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext (need to be patched), Wifi needs to be patched with device id again. So, the best is to have the external USB hard drive with Mavericks installed