Apple Devices

All Apple devices: iPod, iPhone, iPad, MacBook Air, Macwannabe

Upgrade Lion 10.7.4 To Mountain Lion 10.8 On i5 2500k P8Z68-V

So, with the new Mountain Lion 10.8 came out, if you have all the files and apps loaded on a partition and you don’t want to reformat and wipe out everything when upgrading from Lion  10.7.x, just install ML over the Lion partition, it will back up everything for you – I recommend to use

Extra Folder And Its Components

In every Hackintosh partition, there’s always an “Extra” folder in the root of the partition. It’s a good practice to understand how the components inside the Extra folder work so we can customize our own components. In all my Hackintosh PCs, the Extra folder consists of: dsdt.aml, smbios.plist, org.chameleon.Boot.plist (for chameleon version 11xx which is