Apple Devices

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Dual Boot Snow Leopard 10.6.8 And Lion 10.7.1 On MSI X58 i7

Install Snow Leopard 10.6.8 on X58 i7 920 is easy, but Lion 10.7.1 is a little different, it needs some modification to the installer and the Lion partition. Tutorial is on the way. MSI platinum X58 1366 i7 920 OC to 3.6Ghz is a socket 1366, X58 chipset for the first i7 generation. This should

Burn Dmg To CD-DVD In Windows 7

When we patched MBR to the Mac OS X Install DVD.dmg, we can’t restore the new dmg file to DVD in Mac. I tried to use Poweriso and it works well in Windows 7. Move the dmg to Windows drive, use poweriso to extract it (create a folder first) then burn it, very simple and