Create Blogs

create websites and blogs with WordPress and Nucleuscms

All Pop Ups On A Page

There are many pop-ups (modals) software out there to make the page display pictures and other stuff looks beter. These are some of the ones I like. ShadowBox PrettyPhoto FancyBox 2 Mediabox Advanced ImagePreview Used together with Mediabox Advanced <p style=”text-align: center;”><a title=”imagepreview” href=”/media/91alfaspider/91alfa0.jpg” rel=”lightbox”><img style=”vertical-align: baseline; border: 3px solid black;” title=”My Alfa” src=”/media/91alfaspider/91alfa0.jpg” alt=”My

Using Pageview Plugin

Pageview plugin is to embed and iframe page into WordPress post or page. [pageview url=”//” height=”300px” title=”pageview” border=”yes” scrolling=”yes”] [‘pageview url=”//” height=”300px” title=”pageview” border=”yes” scrolling=”yes”]