Create Shortcodes for Color Buttons With Links

Bootstrap buttons are great, but for some reasons they don’t accept links. This is how I create color buttons with link using shortcodes. Create the color button in css. bblack,bblue,bgreen,bred, a {text-style:italic;font-size:17px;font-weight:500;color:#fff}bblack span,bblue span,bgreen span,bred span{padding:5px 13px;border-radius:5px}bblack span{background-color:#080808}bblue span{background-color:#1A447A}bred span{background-color:#930700}bgreen span{background-color:#004928} Shortcodes by create btn_shortcodes.php. <?php add_shortcode( ‘blue’, ‘title_s’ ); function title_s($atts, $content = null)


Magnific-Popup is a responsive lightbox. I modified the zoom-gallery.js to idoggallery.js using class=”idoggallery” for easy to remember. For image with no links use “igallery” and title only. Use  “title” and “mylink” on href to display caption and create a link… <div class=”idoggallery”> <p style=”text-align: center;”><a class=”preview” title=”macOS Sierra On Windows Laptops” href=”https://www.dognmonkey.com/mythemes/wp-content/uploads/z_macOS_Sierra.jpg” mylink=”//www.dognmonkey.com/techs/macos-sierra-on-mac-wanna-be-windows-laptops.html”><img class=”alignnone size-thumbnail