
jQuery lightGallery

[lightgallery] Sometimes I want to embed a gallery inside a bootstrap collapsible paragraph, but Fotorama doesn’t work inside bootstrap collapsible shortcodes. I stumbled into this great jQuery lightGallery and I manage to get it to work inside the bootstrap collapsible shortcodes. To extensively use this lightGallery, you do need support from the owner. I just

Shortcodes For Boostrap Collapsible

  [bs] I like to use Bootstrap for my blogs, so I created a few shortcodes for collapsible and link buttons when I need to use them. [mybs data=”1″ title=”this is title1″]1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit,[/mybs] [mybs data=”2″ title=”this is title2″]2. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit,[/mybs] [mybs data=”3″