
How To Put Multiple Passwords On A Post In WordPress

I have some posts that are private and I would like a few people to read only, after some read, I would like to remove their access and still let others to read. After searching on the web, this way is the best way to do it for what I want and it works. 1.


Magnific-Popup is a responsive lightbox. I modified the zoom-gallery.js to idoggallery.js using class=”idoggallery” for easy to remember. For image with no links use “igallery” and title only. Use  “title” and “mylink” on href to display caption and create a link… <div class=”idoggallery”> <p style=”text-align: center;”><a class=”preview” title=”macOS Sierra On Windows Laptops” href=”https://www.dognmonkey.com/mythemes/wp-content/uploads/z_macOS_Sierra.jpg” mylink=”//www.dognmonkey.com/techs/macos-sierra-on-mac-wanna-be-windows-laptops.html”><img class=”alignnone size-thumbnail