Toshiba Thrive

Everything about Toshiba Thrive

Upgrade Toshiba Thrive To Ice Cream Sandwich 4.

Toshiba Thrive is now can be upgraded to Android Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0.4. We do need to upgrade step by step from to first. BSplayer and MXplayer also must be upgraded to newer versions to play movies. Plants vs Zombies needs to be updated to work or it will freeze. Update from Honeycomb

Navfree Navigation For Android Toshiba Thrive

June 30, 2012-The kids loved the Thrive, they loaded tons of free and paid games on their Android tablet. The amazing part is most of the games their cousins have on their ipads, my kids can also download them on Android market, either on Google or Amazon. Now my children (5 and 8) are very