Complete Guide To Install El Capitan or Yosemite On PC and Laptops

I decided to create a MacBookPro8,1 out of the old Lenovo G770 HD3000 Sandy Bridge, i5-2410M with built-in WIFI AR9285, Ethernet AR8152. I’m going to make a tutorial on installing El Capitan 10.11.4 and Yosemite 10.10.5 on this machine, but it can be used for all other PCs or Laptops: HD3000, HD4000, HD4600 (Haswell), anything that’s older than those, it’s not worth it for El Capitan or Yosemite.

To install Yosemite or El Capitan, Clover boot loader is the only logical choice right now. Therefore, you need to understand the Clover boot loader thoroughly. It’s actually very simple when you understand it.

Please read and follow the video closely. If you’re using distros or any other means of installing, please don’t ask here, go to where you downloaded them and ask them. This is pure vanilla installation.

All questions and answers can be found at or Rehabman at is an expert on all OS X.

Sandy Bridge = HD3000 = Intel 2nd Generation i3-i7 start with “2” (2410M) = 0x01168086.

Ivy Bridge = HD4000 = Intel 3rd Generation i3-i7 start with “3” (3317u) = 0x01668086.

Haswell = HD4400-HD4600 = Intel 4th Generation i3-i7 start with “4” (4510u) = 0x04128086.

The best is to find out what’s in the PC or Laptops before you buy that is compatible with Yosemite or El Capitan – Don’t buy AMD or laptops that have white list on WIFI components (if you replace the different WIFI module, it won’t run – Lenovo is one of them) – Most laptops will need to have Wifi or bluetooth modules replaced to run native. The best wifi module now is AW-CE123H.  – dual band and bluetooth 4.0 combo. Make sure the Ethernet is supported, it’s important for iMessage and Facetime: All Realtek 816x or Atheros 815x are supported. Wifi only Atheros9280 and 9285 are supported or Broadcom 943225 or 94352 (Google for more devices).

Extract DSDT and SSDTs from PC or Laptop with RWEverything. You need DSDT and SSDTs for patching after the OS X is loaded to work perfectly.

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  • sir i am unable to view internal hard disk during mac osx ei captain installation why??? plz reply me….

    • You don’t have AHCIportinjector.kext in the kext folder. Watch and read the post carefully

  • hi sir i want to ask to you snb-platform-id for hd3000 graphics please do’nt ignore my request
    please ans me by email

    • This is sandybridge HD3000 tutorial. If you can’t follow instructions here, Google “” or “tonymacx86” and ask “rehabman” for help.

  • thanks sir for reply
    you have made toturial for sandy bridge hd3000 i saw this toturial but you did’nt add snb_platform_id in config.plist then how do works hd3000 graphics without snb platform id

    • If it’s not there then you don’t need it for HD3000. You don’t read carefully, it was there.

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