Fix Acer AO751H Netbook Keyboard Key

I’ve had an Acer Netbook for a few months now, it’s a great little notebook. The keyboard sensitivity is a little too much, it’s difficult to type text sometimes, the cursor keep jumping around. But that’s not the problem for this article. For some unknown reason, the Crtl key popped out of its place and it took me a while to put it back together, since it needs some know how to put it back, I like to document it for future occurences.

When the key is popped out of the base, we should have 2 pieces, the key and a little bracket.

Acer key button and hook

The key has a moving bracket attached also

button and hooks

This is the base where it’s supposed to be hooked up to: 2 metal hooks narrow and 2 metal hooks wider.

Base key hooks

The important setup for easy re-installation is how its brackets mate to each other.


wrong way to set up

Right way of mating the brackets since the bracket can be mated upside down.

right way to set up

When we got this down, we just need to start sliding the bracket to the narrow hooks first, align the key and push it lightly down and it will snap in nicely.

button and hooks setup

Then it will be nicely in place again

button installed

Here are all the pictures taken (wrongway & rightway)

1 Comment

  • I actually broke my y button and I think I am about to fix it because of you (and a friend) haha. Big big thanks for this!

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