MacOS High Sierra 10.13 On Windows PCs-Laptops

MacOS High Sierra 10.13

MacOS High Sierra is here today, I downloaded and installed on my external USB drive. It works beautifully with my HP x360 Haswell HD4400 i7-4510u which having problems with the last MacOS Sierra 10.12.6. This tutorial can be used for all Mac OS X and various PCs and Laptops. Before we upgrade to MacOS High Sierra, we should know which Apps are not compatible: VMWare 7.x

On my El Capitan, I could only download 19MB short version of the High Sierra 10.13, I had to use to download and it also create the USB Flash installer for me. The only thing I need is the Kernels folder that need to be extracted from Core.pkg using Pacifist.

To create the latest Clover boot disk using .

All the kexts needed are in

, , , , .

ACPI table extraction: .

Apps recommended: , , , , , , , , .

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  • what did you used to work for brightness I have seen your tutorials neither you used applebacklightinjector.kext nor SSDT-PNLF.aml and gfx0 to igpu
    without applebaclightinjectr.kext with ssdtpnlf.aml how to did
    please provide me the procedure

    • For macOS High Sierra, the key will work with HD4400, not with HD4600 nor HD5500. Just use ACPIBackLight.kext and patch the PNLF for HD4400 and the keys

  • Hello, please can you help.
    Am on Mac OS Sierra 10.12.6 on Dell Inspirion 3000 series Broadwell HD5500 which is working fine even graphics acceleration.
    I want to update directly to Mac High Sierra. Created High Sierra USB using Unibeast 8.1 but when i boot from my bios its goes blank or black screen without any activity what am i doing wrong please help.
    Have tried it many times

    • I don’t know and I don’t use Unibeast any more, you should ask their website. Follow the instruction on the page here on Broadwell to create the USB boot drive. If you don’t understand how to create a Clover boot from scratch, you should not be doing this, Unibeast is for lazy people.

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