Snow Leopard 10.6.7 On T6500 Gateway ID5822U Laptop

Last year I installed 10.5.8 distro on Gateway ID5822U laptop. Since there are much support on Snow Leopard 10.6.7, I got the laptop back to install the retail snow leopard 10.6.3 and updated it to 10.6.7 and it worked with 1366x768x32 resolution every beautifully. Again, we need to know the device ids of the laptop.

Graphics GMA4500 0x2A428086

AHCI 0x29298086

Ethernet Broadcom Gigabit 0x169814E4

Wifi Intel 5100 0x42328086

Monitor AUO20EC

So, before we start to do this, we need to install Easybcd 1.7.2 or the new one 2.2 version and setup. Since we had the 10.5.8 installed dual boot with windows 7 already, the easybcd already setup correctly for dual booting. Go out and buy the retail Snow Leopard 10.6.3, download 10.6.7 update combo, iboot, multibeast 3.4, patched gma4500kexts, a portable USB hard drive (this one will work with all intel supported systems-this is a must). We will be installing SL10.6.3-10.6.7 onto this USB portable hard drive then restore it to the internal hard drive when everything is working as we wanted.

This is the video (hd full screen)

easybcd 1.7.2 dual boot

Turn on the laptop, hit F2 to enter the bios screen, set the bios to AHCI (if it wasn’t enable, fix the windows os to AHCI before changing this, if not you can’t boot to windows) and enable F12 to select boot menu, select USB HD as the first boot.

setup bios with AHCI

F10 to save and exit, since we’re using our USB hard drive, we must turn off the computer everytime for it to detect USB drive, I think this is a bug on this laptop.

USB hard drive connected

Turn off the laptop, turn on and hit F12 to enter boot menu, while in boot menu, place the iboot cd in the dvd drive

place iboot cd in drive

select boot menu to DVD/CD

select dvd drive to boot after key F12

The iboot cd will boot and the iboot screen will come up if there’s no problem with the cd

first iboot screen

Now, eject the iboot cd and place the retail snow leopard 10.6.3 in the dvd drive

remove iboot cd and place sl 10.6.3 in the drive

Wait for about a minute (spinning) then hit F5, the second iboot screen will show the SL 10.6.3 DVD.

iboot screen 2 with SL 10.6.3 showing

Hit the tab key to go to boot option screen, move the cursor to highlight the MacOSX Install DVD and type at the prompt boot: -v USBBusFix=Yes and hit enter.

-v USBBusFix=Yes

The screen will have tons of dialogs then the Mac screen setup will appear.

mac os x loading

OS X setup screen

Click Utilities and select disk utility to erase the partition on the USB hard drive (we’re installing on the USB hard drive), make sure we don’t erase the wrong partition, and since this is NOT patched retail installation DVD, the partition must be GUID, if not, it won’t install. If it was MBR, make sure to save all data before converting it to GUID because it will wipe out the disk. Select a small partition 30-50Gb for Mac OS X and the rest for Data with FAT format.

select GUID partition erase and install

Close disk utility, it will come back to installation screen, select the correct partition to install and click customize to remove some stuff we don’t need

customize installation

Now we can just click continue to install the drive, make sure to select the correct partition

select usb external hd partition to install

After 20-30 minutes, it will be done. Turn OFF the computer using the power button.

installation is done

Turn on the computer and hit F12 again to get to boot menu, while in there, pop out the Mac OS X dvd and put back the iboot cd

swap Mac to Iboot CD

select CD/DVD boot from the boot menu and hit enter, when the iboot menu appear, hit the tab key to enter boot flag, move the cursor to the usb drive we just installed Snow Leopard : -v USBBusFix=Yes then hit enter.

cursor to usb30gb and type -v USBBusFix=Yes

Again, after tons of dialog displayed, this time we will enter the welcome screen with MUSIC. Enter everything and get ready to upgrade to 10.6.7

expand and install 10.6.7 update combo

Installation is done-DO NOT Restart

Do not restart when the update is done. Install Multibeast 3.4 right away, the installation will fail due to some reasons, click ignore and re-install Multibeast 3.4 again, this time it will be OK. We only need to select “easybeast”, “voodooHDA.2.72″,”voodooPS2controller”, “voodooPS2trackpad”,”macbook pro 6,1″, “osxsoftware”.

install multibeast without restarting update

When the installation of multibeast is done, TURN OFF the computer, turn on the computer and this time, the first boot is USB HD, it will boot straight from the USB external hard drive with SL 10.6.7 in it, but we may still need the flag: USBBusFix=Yes to be sure. Click tab key and enter the boot flag: -v USBBusFix=Yes

Now it will boot with 10.6.7 very nicely, but we only have 1024x768x32 resolution. We need to install patched kexts for the 1366x768x32.

After booted to 10.6.7 successfully, we need to install these 2 patched kexts: AppleIntelGMAX3100.kext and AppleIntelGMAX3100FB.kext using kext helper then run kext utility (installed from multibeast 3.4).

run kext utility after installing kexts

We should also install voodoobattery.kext while we’re here to have battery indicator showing.

install voodoobattery.kext

We also edit in the Extra folder to add USBBusFix=Yes since this particular laptop doesn’t work very well for some reason. To edit plist file, just open a terminal (application/utility), type sudo nano and drag the plist to the screen, type in password.

edit in terminal

edit in the Extra folder

Now we can shutdown and start the computer again to have 1366x768x32 and battery indicator.

full 1366x768x32 screen with battery

Check for sound and sd card to make sure everything works

8gb SD card is recognized

Here are the profile and important information about ID5822U with snow leopard 10.6.7

about this mac

2a428086 intel GMA4500

software version

Now we’re ready to restore this whole USB hard drive to the internal hard drive partition for dual boot Windows 7 and Snow Leopard 10.6.7.

Launch disk utility (application/utilities), we should see our internal hard drive with 3 partitions and our USB external hard drive with label usb30gb

disk utility shows all drives

So, our old partition was the 10.5.8 we installed last year, the OS is the windows7. We need to restore the usb30gb partition over the l2smacprox58, be careful not to do it backward.

Click usb30gb and select restore to make sure

select usb30gb and click restore

select usb30gb source (usb) and destination (internal)

restoring process

When restoring process is done, rename the internal hard drive “usb30gb” to something else “sl1067” to identify the hard drive partition from usb partition.

At this point, we may be able to boot from the easybcd or may not, if we can’t boot from easybcd (restart the system and the menu doesn’t exist) then we need to fix the dual boot from windows 7. To do this, boot from usb30gb (external), while booting, hit tab to show the menu, then select windows partition. The easybcd menu should show up, select windows 7 and boot to windows normally. If we use easybcd 1.7.2, we should have the restore part for vista, just restore from it and everything should work.

fixboot from easybcd 1.7.2


  • hi i did this video but weni updated 10.6.7 ir gave me a kernal panic and i tried booting back up with -v and it didnt work so what do i do….or was i suppose to update to 10.6.8 with the helper then update it…

    • Don’t update pass 10.6.6, redo everything, make sure it works with 10.6.6 before you do anything else. Even starts with 10.6.3. Your laptop is not Sandy Bridge HD3000. What’s your graphics card id? Find out what kp is about, look at the dialogs when it freezes.

  • until you know how to get device ids, you can’t install mac os x. Follow direction here
    how to check device ids

    Right-click my computer –> properties—>Device Manager —> Display adaptors –> intel HD graphics family (double click)–> details —> property (dropdown) –> hardware ids —> select all copy and paste to a notepad file like this PCIVEN_8086&DEV_0116&SUBSYS_397517AA&REV_09 –this will be replaced with your graphics ids DEV_XXXX

    try this one //, I think your graphics card is 0x0046

    • PCIVEN_8086&DEV_0046&SUBSYS_1BE21043&REV_18

      thats my grqaphic ids now what cani do 2 start?

    • PCIVEN_168C&DEV_002B&SUBSYS_10891A3B&REV_01

      this is my network id

    • You got a bad graphic card for Mac OS X, you can install but I don’t think you get 1366x768x32 screen resolution, anyhow, you have to follow this procedure.

    • ok umm will the computer lag..
      can u just type what i have 2 do here for mee the way that u do it with that cuzz thats the old way

    • Chris,
      Just follow the instructions like this one BUT update to 10.6.6 instead of 10.6.8, download 10.6.6, multibeast 3.9, iboot 3.1.1. After this, let’s see if you can boot into Mac OS X for the first time. Your wifi can work with mac os x, it’s the same as mine.

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