dual boot

How To Fix fseventsd-uuid File Prevents Mac OS X From Emptying Trash

If you dual boot Windows and Mac OS X, sometimes, you will encounter an error when emptying the trash bin in Mac. The file that cause the problem is fseventsd-uuid from Windows. The only way to fix it is to boot to Windows and run disk repair or chkdsk. When it’s done, boot back to

How To Dual Boot UEFI Windows and Mac Using Clover Boot Loader

There are many ways to dual boot Windows and Mac OS X with different boot loaders on MBR but for UEFI, there’s only Clover boot loader is capable if you set it up correctly. In order to dual boot with Clover by default, you need to install Clover to EFI folder –> rename bootmgfw.efi to bootmgfw-orig.efi in