i5 2500k

How To Build i5 2500k With Asus P8Z68-V LX

June 02, 2012 After some tries on installing Snow Leopard 10.6.8, Lion 10.7.4 and Mountain Lion DP1-Dp3, the board and i5 2500k are totally functional with both HD3000 on board and PCIE GS8400. Snow Leopard 10.6.8 will have full QE/CI/CL with Nvidia GS8400 but NOT HD3000 on board (full resolution though). Lion & Mountain Lion

i5 2500k vs i7 2600k

I’ve just built a budget system ($400) i5 2500k, GA-H61MS2H for Windows 7 and Mac Lion 10.7.3 because our i7 920 1366 x58 motherboard died. To replace a new x58 motherboard would run me about $120 – $200 and the system will hog over 189W when I encode a movie, it was fast but I