Mountain Lion 10.8

Downgrade From Mountain Lion 10.8 Back To Lion 10.7.x

8-12-2012 I’ve tried every way described on the Internetand I still couldn’t get the Desktop and Screensavers panes to load, I don’t know what’s in the Mountain Lion, I know many icons no longer available on the launch bar. It looks like I have to back up my data, apps and reformat the darn drive.

Mountain Lion DP3 On P8Z68-V LX i5 2500K

Lion 10.7.4 works well on our i5 2500k Asus P8Z68-V LX motherboard. Now we try the New and may NOT be improved Mountain Lion 10.8 DP3 (we tried the DP1, works well but not the DP3). Anyhow, myHack 3.1 is my friend for installing this Mountain Lion 10.8 DP3. I’m sure by now, we should