
shadowbox 3.0.3 in WordPress 3.2.1

Working With Z-Index In CSS

In CSS, z-index is the order of appearance of one layer over the other, the higher the z-index the higher priority of the layer above the lower z-index displays. For example, on my theme, I made header to be fixed with z-index:9999 and my shadowbox overlay z-index:999 . So, on a small display like 1024×768,

FancyBox 2

[fancybox2] Now FancyBox v2.1.5 is out, I’m experimenting, to me the old 1.3.4 is working quite well, the only thing I like about this FancyBox is the full size image display with the helpers.js which is great. The buttons for gallery are very useful and jquery is the best for all users platforms.