
macOS Mojave on Windows Laptops

macOS Mojave

macOS Mojave is the best version so far for Mac Wanna Be windows laptops. It did fix many problems that previous versions have. Thanks to all these enthusiasts, , –––, – we can get almost all Intel based CPU laptops running Mojave, just have to have correct Clover – config.plist, latest Lilu.kext, AppleALC.kext, WhateverGreen.kext and

How To Implement EU Cookies Warning

cookie warning float right

Due to these EU cookies laws, all the website must display a cookie warning for reader to continue or leave.  After so much time to search for the best solution since we display Ad-sense and Amazon ads, we need to comply and finally we found a that shows us how to do it. It’s quite simple.

Create Shortcodes for Color Buttons With Links

create shortcode

Bootstrap buttons are great, but for some reasons they don’t accept links. This is how I create color buttons with link using shortcodes. Create the color button in css. bblack,bblue,bgreen,bred, a {text-style:italic;font-size:17px;font-weight:500;color:#fff}bblack span,bblue span,bgreen span,bred span{padding:5px 13px;border-radius:5px}bblack span{background-color:#080808}bblue span{background-color:#1A447A}bred span{background-color:#930700}bgreen span{background-color:#004928} Shortcodes by create btn_shortcodes.php. <?php add_shortcode( ‘blue’, ‘title_s’ ); function title_s($atts, $content = null)

Set Localhost Port for XAMPP

Set listen port C:\xampp\apache\conf

Sometimes the network doesn’t allow port 80, when we set up xampp and we can’t access localhost. We need to change the listen port to a new value, and every time we want to access localhost, we need the “:newport”.

Fire TV Stick from Amazon

Fire TV Stick

Since I subscribed Amazon Prime, with all the Videos, Music streaming included, I got myself a Fire TV Stick for $24 with Prime. The Fire tv stick is quite easy to install and work quite well with the included remote.  The best part is we can install third party apps like Terrarium and Kodi onto