
macOS High Sierra 10.3.4 Update on Haswell HD4400

high sierra patcher

The latest macOS High Sierra 10.3.4 update is available for download. The best is to create a new USB installer with the App using High Sierra Patcher version 2.6 (must be for 10.3.4). Update Clover kexts with latest Lilu.kext (1.2.2), IntelGraphicsFixup.kext (1.2.4), Shiki.kext (2.2.3), ALC.kext (1.2.2). This will work for HD4400, HD4600, HD5500. The only

Amazon Fire HD 8 Android Tablet

HD8 back side

01/29/2018 The tablet started to drop signals with wifi frequently on both 5Ghz and 2.4Ghz. The apps launcher became extremely slow. I think the tablet is defective. Returned it for a different one. I need an Android tablet to play with and Samsung seems to be a great choice among tablets until I read about

Self Activation with Comcast/Xfinity Voice and Internet Arris TM822G Modem

Arris _TM822G

This new year resolution was to replace the 5 year old rental Arris TM722G from Comcast with a used/new/refurbished one from an Amazon seller for $65. I was skeptical about the compatibility and activation since I have both voice and internet with them. The instruction for self activation was amazingly accurate and easy to do.

Install Kodi and Genesis on macOS High Sierra

The new Kodi 17.6 now doesn’t support Exodus any more, Genesis seems to be the latest software for movies. The link for adding the new Genesis : //