
How To Spoof R9-270 and R9-280 Monterey

r9 270 full QE/Ci

Since macOS Monterey, my GTX 760 no longer supported, I had to use AMD R9 270 id(10026811) and R9 280 (1002679a). The problem with spoofing using SSDT-GPU-SPOOF.dsl for r9 270 id 10026811 only works with 10026810 and WhateverGreen.kext version 1.5.1. Here are the r9_270_280 Samples. If we put the id in device properties, we will get

How To Fix Haswell HD 4600 Artifact and Glitches in macOS

haswell hd 4600 artifacts

Haswell HD 4600 has artifact and glitches (flickering) problem with many laptops and desktops due to hardware acceleration problem somehow. I’ve just installed Big Sur and tested Monterey on my HP M7- j120dx i7-4700mq with Haswell HD 4600 and the artifact appears only when using OpenCore to boot. Clover v5146 fix the problems with the

macOS Monterey Hackintosh

macOS Monterey

macOS Monterey now is at 12.3.1, I’ve been waiting to get my DW1820A working before I install it onto 2 of my HP laptops: HP Elitebook 840 G3 SkyLark (i7-6600u) and HP Envy 13 Kabylake (i7-7500u) because without the WiFi and Bluetooth working, it’s no use to install Monterey since DW1820A works perfectly in Big

WP Ocius By Candid Themes

    Since my blogs are for personal use, I’ve tried to keep it up and find the best free themes to use, I’ve found Ocius and Fairy from Candid Themes are quite fast and simple. I’ve used gtmetrix and pagespeed to test, if these two are good, then I use them. I don’t use

iCloud: Could Not Communicate With Server

icloud failed to log in

I was using Clover 5142 to boot macOS Big Sur on my HP Envy 13 without Ethernet. The DW1620 module keeps having en0 builtin false instead of true due to the config setup. When the en0 is not builtin, I couldn’t login to iCloud server. In order to login to iCloud Server, the wifi or