
Powerpoint For WordPress

2012-02-28 We found Ispring solution is much easier to convert powerpoint to flash. Sometimes we have some powerpoint presentations we received or made that we want to place it on our blogs. There is a program called Authorpoint lite that will convert a powerpoint presentation to flash so we can place them on our blogs.

Bluetooth Headphones And Nano USB Dongle For PC

These days in CA, people who are caught using the cellphones without handfree devices pay hefty fees. I know it’s a pain when the cellphone rings while driving, to answer, I have to find my wired handfree, plug it in the phone, then answer. I love the bluetooth in the Q7, but most of the

IOGEAR Solar Bluetooth Hand-Free GBHFK231

Since cell phones hand-free devices are required for talking while driving in CA, I tried a few devices, wired, wireless and I found IOGEAR Solar Bluetooth Hand-Free GBHFK231 to be the best one besides our built in Q7 built-in. There are many reviews and youtube videos that thumbed down for this device, but for me,

1-4a Rename For Windows

Rename 1-4a is a great file renaming for windows in my opinions, it’s easy to use and customizable.     

Easy Thumbnails

After we get our blogs up and running with all the bells and whistles, the next thing we want to do is to minimize the time to take for our pages to load. One of the way is to display our images with thumbnails instead of resizing the original ones to display smaller, this resizing