
Remove Lenovo G770 Hard Drive

2012-12-06 replace hard drive with SSD Since I have to remove the hard drive to install Chameleon to dual boot Windows 7 & Lion, I documented the procedure for later if I need to do it again. The hard drive on my Lenovo G770 is 750GB Western Digital Green (this may be the problem why

Using Pageview Plugin

Pageview plugin is to embed and iframe page into WordPress post or page. [pageview url=”//” height=”300px” title=”pageview” border=”yes” scrolling=”yes”] [‘pageview url=”//” height=”300px” title=”pageview” border=”yes” scrolling=”yes”]


One of the plugins I want to add to the blogs is WP-PostViews, this one shows the page view counts on the title index and single pages. The set up is pretty straight forward, although we have to edit the index.php and single.php of our theme. We can download WP-PostViews from the plugins page or

Fix Window 7 From IDE to AHCI

Sometimes the bios setting for SATA drive is IDE mode by default and we installed windows XP or windows 7 with this setting. Later on, we want to change the bios setting to AHCI to install Mac OS X, we need to re-install windows or fix the registry to run with AHCI mode. We have

Triple Boot Windows 7-Snow Leopard 10.6.7-Ubuntu 11.04 On i7 920 X58

Since Linux operating system is getting more popular, I would like to make my i7 920 MSI X58 Platinum system to have triple boot : Windows 7, Snow Leopard 10.6.7 and Ubuntu 11.04. This video shows my triple boot system. I’ll write up in full details when I have time, but the procedure is as