
Make our Windows PC and Laptops Dual Boot With Mac OS X

macOS Mojave on Windows Laptops

macOS Mojave

macOS Mojave is the best version so far for Mac Wanna Be windows laptops. It did fix many problems that previous versions have. Thanks to all these enthusiasts, , –––, – we can get almost all Intel based CPU laptops running Mojave, just have to have correct Clover – config.plist, latest Lilu.kext, AppleALC.kext, WhateverGreen.kext and

How To Make NTFS Partitions Writable In Mac OSX

NTFS Windows OS

11/7/2024 Make NTFS writable in Sonoma 14.7 using . Need brew install –cask macfuse brew install gromgit/fuse/ntfs-3g-mac brew install –cask mounty Other Solutions: and . 2/15/2021 since Big Sur came out, the OSXFUSE doesn’t seem to work with ntfs-3g using brew any more. . 2018-03-21 In case the ntfs-3g no longer works after Windows updates

Create Mavericks 10.9.2 USB Boot and Installer With Windows 8 (No Mac)

2015-11-01 How to create El Capitan 10.11 USB installer Windows No Mac. Kernels_10.11, Kernels_10.11.1, config.plist sample, HFSPlus.efi, NTFS.efi. 09/20/2015 New way to create Yosemite 10.10.5 USB installer here. El Capitan 10.11 12/22/2014 A new version of tutorial is here – Now we only need 1 8GB USB flash drive instead of 3. But we need the download