
Make our Windows PC and Laptops Dual Boot With Mac OS X

Replace 9.5mm Hard Drive On HP Envy 4 Ultrabook

I got an HP Envy 4-1117nr with 500GB hard drive, I replaced it with a low power TOSHIBA MQ01ABD100 1TB 9.5mm instead of 7mm as designed. It fit well but it did put some pressure on the left trackpad that causes the left panel click to be harder to press but the left click still

How To Replace WiFi Bluetooth Module in HP Envy 4

My HP Envy 4-1117nr has the Ralink 3290 Wifi and bluetooth that are not supported by Mac OSX Mavericks, I bought a HP module from Ebay for $10 AR9285 and  AR301 bluetooth combo to replace the Ralink. HP has white list in the bios, luckily this HP bluetooth wifi combo is supported and the bios

Software For My Mountain Lion

I’m trying to collect as many software title for my Mountain Lion as I can to replace these useful Windows software so I can use both. Paint.net for Mac is called Pinta. Pinta download – Pinto needs Mono .NET framework to work. VLC player – Since Mountain Lion doesn’t support DVD drive, this is a

Prepare And Fix Dual-Triple Boot With EasyBCD

2012-08-17 Prepare 2 primary partitions for Triple Boot Windows 8, Mountain Lion and Ubuntu The previous post on Dual Boot Windows and Mac OS X. Triple boot Windows 7, Mac OS X and Ubuntu Hackintosh is using PC (which is Windows OS based) to install Mac OS. Normally, we already have a Windows OS installed

Mountain Lion 10.8 vs Lion 10.7.4

Before we jump the gun and buy the Mountain Lion to upgrade because people are talking about it so much, we should read the reviews and the features first. To me, I’ve been using ML for over a month now and I think it’s good, but there will be things I can’t use because Mountain