Apple Devices

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How To Fix Instant Wakes On Mac OSX

When our Mac Wanna Be wakes instantly right after sleep was activated, these are caused by USB port not patched correctly. First we need to find out the reasons for waking up by using terminal and type: syslog |grep -i “Wake reason” Check your DSDT under _PWR to see which address is used, it’s either

How To Patch IDT 111d76e0 AppleHDA With HDMI Sound

2017-07-09 This is the update for patching IDT111d76e0 – Patch With Dummykext. Patch with Patched AppleHDA.kext. My Envy 4-1117nr and 1115dx have IDT 111d76e0 sound cards. To get this to work with auto detect headphones and HDMI, I need to download the patched file on The file is The default layout is 3, it

How To Install Exodus To Kodi On El Capitan OSX

Kodi is a media streaming software for all platforms OS. Exodus is an add-on that stream TV Shows and Movies for Kodi and it’s free for everyone to use. I install Exodus on my Raspberry Pi, Mac OSX and Android box to stream WD my cloud, Youtube and Netflix. At System->Files Manager->Add Source type in the URL

How To Make NTFS Partitions Writable In Mac OSX

NTFS Windows OS

11/7/2024 Make NTFS writable in Sonoma 14.7 using . Need brew install –cask macfuse brew install gromgit/fuse/ntfs-3g-mac brew install –cask mounty Other Solutions: and . 2/15/2021 since Big Sur came out, the OSXFUSE doesn’t seem to work with ntfs-3g using brew any more. . 2018-03-21 In case the ntfs-3g no longer works after Windows updates