Apple Devices

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How To Fix AppleALC Sound In macOS Ventura

sound on macOS Ventura

I have Realtek ALC295 on my Lenovo X1 Tablet Gen 3 with layout id 77 the sound works fine on macOS Monterey 12.6.3 but doesn’t work on macOS Ventura 13.2.1. I need to add a boot arg -lilubetaall to get it to work.

Lenovo X1 Tablet Gen 3 Hackintosh

x1 tablet monterey os

I got a Lenovo X1 Tablet Gen 3 Kaby Lake with i7-8650u and I’m going to install macOS Monterey 12.4 and upgraded to the latest one 12.6.3. I also tried macOS Ventura 13.2.1 on this. . This tablet has detachable keyboard which only works with keyboard and red track mouse and NOT the trackpad on

Patch Realtek ALC295 SST

dcpi alc295

Most of audio devices are in the AppleALC.kext, but some of the Realtek ALC295 doesn’t have the mic support. We have the speakers sound but not the microphone input. This post is to try to get the microphone to work with SST (Smart Sound Technology). With AppleALC.kext we tried all the layout-id but none has

Fix NVRAM On Clover Bootloader

My Lenovo X1 Tablet Gen 3 Kaby Lake i7-8650u doesn’t have native NVRAM. I use Clover 5151 to boot to Monterey OS 12.6.3. When the NVRAM is not there, it doesn’t remember the last boot volume. So every time to install new software it doesn’t default to boot volume and it’s a pain to sit

How To Spoof R9-270 and R9-280 Monterey

r9 270 full QE/Ci

Since macOS Monterey, my GTX 760 no longer supported, I had to use AMD R9 270 id(10026811) and R9 280 (1002679a). The problem with spoofing using SSDT-GPU-SPOOF.dsl for r9 270 id 10026811 only works with 10026810 and WhateverGreen.kext version 1.5.1. Here are the r9_270_280 Samples. If we put the id in device properties, we will get