Apple Devices

All Apple devices: iPod, iPhone, iPad, MacBook Air, Macwannabe

Mountain Lion 10.8.3 On Lenovo G580 i5 HD4000

Update for Mavericks 10.9.2 and install Dual boot for HD4000 with-without MAC –  These days, most of new laptops are installed with Intel 3rd generation i’s series – Lenovo came out with a low budget $448 G580 i5 3230M with 4GB Ram and 500GB of hard drive. We install Mac OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.3

Transfer MP3 From Ipod To PC

Since our cars have ipods/iphones interface to play music, we started to collect all these old ipods with dead battery and leave them in the car as music player. We want to transfer our MP3 from one iPod to our computer, but iTunes won’t let us. The only way to do it is to copy

Software For My Mountain Lion

I’m trying to collect as many software title for my Mountain Lion as I can to replace these useful Windows software so I can use both. for Mac is called Pinta. Pinta download – Pinto needs Mono .NET framework to work. VLC player – Since Mountain Lion doesn’t support DVD drive, this is a

Mountain Lion On Lenovo G770 i5 HD3000

Mountain Lion on my Lenovo G770 i5 HD3000. Everything works except DVD player. I like the Messages, just like texting. And always use portable drive to install before internal hard drive. For Realtek id 0139 card reader isn’t supported, a USB SD card reader is handy. 8-5-2012 For those who want to upgrade from Lion

Prepare And Fix Dual-Triple Boot With EasyBCD

2012-08-17 Prepare 2 primary partitions for Triple Boot Windows 8, Mountain Lion and Ubuntu The previous post on Dual Boot Windows and Mac OS X. Triple boot Windows 7, Mac OS X and Ubuntu Hackintosh is using PC (which is Windows OS based) to install Mac OS. Normally, we already have a Windows OS installed