Apple Devices

All Apple devices: iPod, iPhone, iPad, MacBook Air, Macwannabe

Face Time With Lion 10.7.3 Lenovo G770

2012-03-14 Re-installed Lion and updated to 10.7.3 to my Lenovo G770 i5 and update to dual boot using Chameleon MBR partition-Easy and painless. Now Facetime works.

Lion 10.7.3 Update

Lion 10.7.3 update from 10.7.0 is pretty straight forward. For the Sandy Bridge laptop, all we need is to re-install Network kexts and remove the AppleHDA.kext, reboot the computer then re-install Voodoo 2.7.3 using Multibeast 4.2.1. NO NEED to re-install Multibeast 4.2.1

Chimera 1.5.4 Usb Flash Drive Bootable

01/31/2018 We no longer support Unibeast… For Unibeast Lion installation without Snow Leopard, we need this bootable flash drive to boot after lion installation for full resolution at the welcome screen. Download Multibeast 4.2.1 and Chimera installer 1.5.4. Put multibeast 4.2.1 inside idoglionunibeast folder and place inside idogusbboot then install to usb flash drive     

Create Lion USB Installer With Unibeast

01/31/2018 We should not use any hacked program from  Tonymac86 since installing from vanilla apps is readily available and much easier… Unibeast helps to create a very easy bootable USB install drive for Lion. Make sure the Lion Install App is in the “applications” folder or the Unibeast installation will fail. It should take about