Apple Devices

All Apple devices: iPod, iPhone, iPad, MacBook Air, Macwannabe

How To Use AppleALC For Hackintosh Audio

codecs hex to base 10 value

One of the requirement for a perfect hackintosh is getting the internal sound to work natively, and AppleALC.kext with Lilu.kext will help to get most of the Audio Codecs working perfectly with sounds. The pair must be at the correct versions for them to work together. You will need DPCIManager to identify the audio codecs

How To Add USB Wifi To macOS Catalina 15.5

Netis WF2111 works with macOS Catalina

Most of our Windows Laptops don’t have Broadcom Bluetooth and Wifi combo that support macOS Catalina. When we first started, we can use an inexpensive USB wifi dongle to connect to internet with our Hackintoshes. I had an old Netis WF2111 n150 that works. The problem is not many external USB wifi dongles have updated

How To Patch DSDT and SSDTs For Perfect MacBook Pro On Hackintosh

HP EliteBook Sleeps

The perfect Hackintosh MacBook Pro or Air is the ability to perform tasks, sleep/wake, ACPI power management just like a real thing or even better. We need to patch the DSDT and SSDTs correctly for these functions to work just like the originals. We need apps: iasl, maciASL, and information from Rehabman reference websites. There

ACPI Power Management for Hackintosh Using SSDTPRGEN

ACPI Power Management with SSDTPRGEN

These days with new Lilu.kext and WhateverGreen.kext, ACPI power management is taken care of by using PluginType1 like SSDT-PLUG.aml. The old way of using seems to go away, but I’ve found for some laptops with Catalina, this one is still the best for sleep/wake, speed steps and performing just like Windows would.