Create Blogs

create websites and blogs with WordPress and Nucleuscms

Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers… WordPress

I never noticed any problems with my WordPress blogs until I created one with Member Access plugin activated and used it to redirect reader to a log-in page. Actually at any pages loaded, the warning would show up on the side bar Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at

Members Plugins For WordPress

There are many members plugins for WordPress, Member Access causes problem with header warning, we use WordPress Access Control, WordPress Users and User Photo for the blog. WordPress Users to display all registered users on a page           User  Photo allows users to upload pictures- the size of the picture can be define in

rss error: WP HTTP Error: couldn’t connect to host

2013-09-03 After upgrading to 3.6 and when the server is slow, the problems happened again out of no where. This time, I’m going to fix it once an for all by using google feed burner. Replace all the internal direct feeds with feed burner ones. After upgrading WP to 3.3.1 on one of the blogs and

Cloud Carousel

We use Cloud Carousel for our main page.

Dognmonkey 2.1% Bounce Rate

When we create a blog or a website, we always like to know how well we designed our pages and how interesting our articles are by stats software. Most people use Google Analytics, we do and thanks to the new WordPress 3.3.1 and Techozoic theme, dognmonkey has the bounce rate of 2.1% which we believe