Create Blogs

create websites and blogs with WordPress and Nucleuscms

Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare() Fixed

When I used a footer that collects the earliest to the newest year to display from the dated posts, I got the “Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare()” on the bottom of the footer. After Googling the problem, I found the fix for it. It’s not a good way to mask the problem like I

jQuery lightGallery

[lightgallery] Sometimes I want to embed a gallery inside a bootstrap collapsible paragraph, but Fotorama doesn’t work inside bootstrap collapsible shortcodes. I stumbled into this great jQuery lightGallery and I manage to get it to work inside the bootstrap collapsible shortcodes. To extensively use this lightGallery, you do need support from the owner. I just

Shortcodes For Boostrap Collapsible

  [bs] I like to use Bootstrap for my blogs, so I created a few shortcodes for collapsible and link buttons when I need to use them. [mybs data=”1″ title=”this is title1″]1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit,[/mybs] [mybs data=”2″ title=”this is title2″]2. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit,[/mybs] [mybs data=”3″

How To Remove Scripts On Mobile Devices

I use responsive viewport tags for my blogs and they’ve been working every well across all mobile devices. I have a jQuery called imgPreview and it works quite well on Desktops and tablets, but not well on small devices like iPhones, Android Phones, iPod Touches. I created a footer-phone.php to remove all scripts that don’t

Detect and Warn IE8 To Update With Responsive Themes

For web developers, Internet Explorer (ie6-9) have always been incompetent browsers and cause so much problems due to their incompatibility with conventional CSS. Many years later, the technology geared toward mobile devices and responsive themes are developed and make everything easier for desktop and mobile devices to use the same theme. There are still some