Create Blogs

create websites and blogs with WordPress and Nucleuscms

Centilium WordPress Theme

I stumbled onto Centilium Theme while looking for a theme that supports mobile devices native. It’s quite a nice theme, although it needs some customization for my websites. Anyhow, I documented all the customization I did on this post for future references.             Features that need to customize: Next/Prev posts:

Embed Youtube Iframe VS HTML5 Test

The website loading is critical for users to access with mobile devices, my websites do have many youtube videos embedded. The new way is iframe embed and the expert do recommend NOT to use. I found another way to embed youtube videos without using the iframe and it’s supposed to load faster. The shows

Embed Youtube Video Iframe VS HTML5

The website loading is critical for users to access with mobile devices, my websites do have many youtube videos embedded. The new way is iframe embed and the expert do recommend NOT to use. I found another way to embed youtube videos without using the iframe and it’s supposed to load faster. The shows

How To Split Prefix Database To Individual Database For WordPress

Alright, I had a few blogs sharing the same database by using prefix database in WordPress and the blogs are getting bigger and the single database getting larger. The problem is that every time the database goes down, all blogs go down which is not good for my website. I don’t want to re-install WordPress

Author Avatar Picture In WordPress 3.9.X

My aunt asked me to show her picture on her WP blog for author instead of these self generated avatar. After searching on the internet, here is how I did it for her. The code needed in the functions.php of the theme. The code needed in the loop (main) and loop-single (post). <?php echo get_avatar(