
CMS blog system

Flowplayer In WordPress

2013-01-28 Flash player HTML5 player FV flowplayer plugin [flowplayer src=//pseudo01.hddn.com/vod/demo.flowplayervod/flowplayer-700.flv width=320 height=240] Flowplayer is a nice flash and video player for website, it’s a little confusing player to config with all these options. I only use it to stream some family videos. I like the embeded flash format because other required scripts on the body

MooImageTip For WordPress

03/16/2017 Now we use Jquery image preview. I’ve been using MooImageTip for NucleusCMS for a while and I liked it. It’s been new to me on WordPress, I’m writing this so I can remember how I make it work in WordPress. The website for MooImageTip Since I’m using Mediabox Advanced 1.2.5 which also use Mootools,

Fix Category Error 404 By Multi-page Toolkit

After installing Multi-page toolkit, my website start to have error 404 when a category link is clicked. To solve this problem Edit plugin php file     Change site url by adding 1 to the end and re-save, then change it back to original then re-save. Everything will come back with category links and no 404.

Using Pageview Plugin

Pageview plugin is to embed and iframe page into WordPress post or page. [pageview url=”//wordpress.org/extend/plugins/pageview/” height=”300px” title=”pageview” border=”yes” scrolling=”yes”] [‘pageview url=”//wordpress.org/extend/plugins/pageview/” height=”300px” title=”pageview” border=”yes” scrolling=”yes”]


One of the plugins I want to add to the blogs is WP-PostViews, this one shows the page view counts on the title index and single pages. The set up is pretty straight forward, although we have to edit the index.php and single.php of our theme. We can download WP-PostViews from the plugins page or