
How To Back Up Bluray Disc To MP4 Using HandBrake on Mac

handbrake bluray to mp4

Fry’s has many bluray titles on sale for $.99 and I got a few that I like, but I don’t have a bluray player, just a bluray drive on my computer. I need to back it up to MP4 to put it on my WD my cloud server to watch whenever I want. can’t decrypt

How To Update iMovie 9.0.9 After Updated 10.0.5

If you use iMovie at all to create videos or home movies, you will either like or don’t care for iMovie 10.0.5 that comes with Mavericks 10.9.x. If you have iLife11, you would have iMovie  9.0 and the latest update is 9.0.9. To me iMovie 9.0 is fine, but I just want to update from 9.0 to 9.0.9 just

Fix HandBrake Stopping Encoding Early With Meteorite

When we have a MKV file, if HandBrake stops in the middle or early while encoding from MKV to MP4, chances are the MKV file is corrupted or has a bad frame that causes HandBrake to stop. To fix this, we need to fix the MKV file and the current best software for this is

Record With Mixed Audio In Windows 7 and 8

These days, with new Windows 7 or Windows 8, depends upon which audio chipset driver is used, our mixed audio recording is gone out of the mixer. It’s actually hidden because it was disabled by the OS as default. So, why do we need this mixed audio recording? mixed audio recording is the ability to

Windxdvd HD Video Converter

There are many video converters software out there, and this is one that convert any format video to any format video we want. Winxdvd HD is a pretty versatile piece of software. Yes, you have to edit the videos before using this, so for family camera – use MS movie maker (free) or Mac movie