MacOS High Sierra 10.13 On Windows PCs-Laptops

MacOS High Sierra 10.13

MacOS High Sierra is here today, I downloaded and installed on my external USB drive. It works beautifully with my HP x360 Haswell HD4400 i7-4510u which having problems with the last MacOS Sierra 10.12.6. This tutorial can be used for all Mac OS X and various PCs and Laptops. Before we upgrade to MacOS High Sierra, we should know which Apps are not compatible: VMWare 7.x

On my El Capitan, I could only download 19MB short version of the High Sierra 10.13, I had to use to download and it also create the USB Flash installer for me. The only thing I need is the Kernels folder that need to be extracted from Core.pkg using Pacifist.

To create the latest Clover boot disk using .

All the kexts needed are in

, , , , .

ACPI table extraction: .

Apps recommended: , , , , , , , , .

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  • I have both connection ethernet and wifi but I m using wifi ethernet en0 and wifi en1 my iMessage not activating what to do sir should be wifi en0

    • what’s the failure? What’s the message that you can’t start iMessage? Make sure everything is working as my video.

  • can I put wifi Mac address in config.plis under rom section for iMessage to work because I have no ethernet cable please ans me

    • No, you need to make sure your en0 is your wifi or it will never work. If you use USB wifi, you must install fakeethernet from rehabman. Read the Dell post.

    • No, you need to make sure your en0 is your wifi or it will never work. If you use USB wifi, you must install fakeethernet from rehabman. Read the Dell post.

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